How much time do I have to make a decision?

Each player has 7 days to make the final decision from the first contact with our football agency.

Is there a fee to join a football agency?

Yes. Prices are updated on a regular basis

Can the possible amount be broken down into installments?

Yes. The one-time amount due to joining the agency can be broken down into systematic monthly installments.

How long is the contract between the player and the agency?

By default, the contract is signed for a period of 12 months. During this period, it is possible to terminate the contract. After its expiry, the competitor is fully free and not subject to the agency. The competitor may, of course, extend the contract for another year.

Can I see the contract for review?

Of course. We send the contract by e-mail if the competitor previously declares that he accepts the confidentiality clause.

Does the parent have to consent?

If you are under 18, your parent must sign a contract with you. If you come of age, you are solely responsible for yourself. We invite parents to contact us.

Can girls also join the agency?

Of course, the conditions for joining the agency are the same as for boys.

Does cooperation with the agency interfere with the club or school?

In no case. We adjust the cooperation between us in such a way that the player finds enough time for all his duties.

Does the club have to agree to cooperate?

Not. The club can in no way forbid the player from establishing cooperation with us. The agency is a completely different entity than a football club. No football entity, coach, activist or president may prohibit the agency’s cooperation with a football player.

Do I have to continue paying for the agency in the event of a possible extension of the contract?

Yes, but the costs related to the extension of the contract are agreed individually with the player. Usually, the fees are relatively lower than in the first year of cooperation. Payment is made on a monthly basis.